Day 5 - Almost Packed

Day 5 - Almost There

Romy Soa, 12/05

Daily Hours: 10.30 - 11.00 & 12.00 - 15.20

Total Daily Hours: 3.50hrs

Total Hours: 24.20hrs

We started this morning by visiting the Health Centre on campus to look over and complete our first-aid kit with Sue. In doing so, we successfully finished packing our first aid kit, and setting it aside later to be packed in one of our hiking packs. We left the Health Centre with the intention of talking to Kelley, met Chris instead and picked up some moleskin from the athletic trainers.

We left campus successful and returned to Kailee's for lunch and some down time, before we continued packing in the afternoon. Starting a bit after lunch, we packed our complete first-aid kit together in it's own bag. While doing this, we finished packing our spice kit by using the little covid spit test vials the health centre shared with us. It looks a little funny, but they're light and the perfect size :) As Kailee finished the spice kit up, I finished weighing out our rice, packing down some of our other food, and then distributing it all into three different sleep sacks by weight for each of us to carry on our hike.

our prepared breakfast/snacks & lunch sorted:

all of our food sorted before we distributed them into the three sacks (in the picture):

We ended our day with a short trip into New London to pick up an extra tarp, and some sunscreen & a tic remover to bring with us. In doing so, we've pretty much finished picking up all of our group gear, and will spend the weekend packing our individual items, printing out maps and distributing all of our group gear equitably. I think that there is only 2 or 3 more hours of packing before we're pretty much ready to leave on Tuesday!

Kailee trying on a bug-net:


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